stana castle beckett caskett just do it already
my hands cannot be tamed heather brittany glee vogue pom
Rachel Emma Showmance one day when you’re older that’ll turn out to be a gift – gag reflex
Castle Rick Richard Castle Nathan Fillion fist bite
Naya samsung signing checking someone out
Beckett bored
Castle Beckett Caskett hug dirty bomb
Castle Beckett Caskett I will kill you
Stana Beckett high five
bb Naya family matters thank you I try
Heather Brittany shit new york
Dianna cupcake
No please tell me more I am very interested Naya paley jpg
Nathan Fillion Castle Fact
quinn smirk
Naya bagel chicken man dance
Heather thanks for telling us
as if naya glaad
how hot was she naya glaad
you may kindly gtfo naya glaad
Emma Jayma Sure Rhodes not taken Finn
Heahter ‘A message from Heather Morris’ laugh
Naya Orchid zoom
Heather Ashley thank you sign
Heya nose
I’ve never been more aroused
Darren Criss Oh stop, you’re just saying that. Oh stop!
Daily Grace mega hard lady boner
Kurt, Stop in the name of love, heart, i love you
The Lord is testing me – RIB is testing me
NPH Barney high five, I request the highest of fives
Cool hair, cool hair, Dianna
you and me
Heather, HIMYM, dancing, suit, yay
Jayma, Get Smart, true dat
Naya, Santana, Special education, green room, this, hand
Naya Heather Grove HeYa wave
I don’t answer stupid questions
Shay Mitchell kiss
Naya – Thank you
Naya photoshoot dance
Naya gif Kevin tweeted — tumblr troll
Dianna – I can’t
Just smile and wave boys – penguins
Brittany “a little bit”
Santana – Duets – So freaking charming
heather hemo eyeroll smile a sense of humor
Excited Heather, HeMo, sticking out tongue
Brittany – Sexy – Do You Want To Touch Me – Do Not Want
heather hemo gangsta hatSantana/Naya/Blame It “No me gusta!”
tina fey “this shit ends now!” angry, date night
HeYa Heather Naya – What the Buck – thank god/hallelujah
hemo heather twitterphobia
Santana — Naya — wtf
look at all the fucks I give — Santana — Naya — idgaf
Santana crying — Chevy
spazzing crying excited santana chevy
Santana “yeah okay” – shoves mercedes — laryngitis
Rihanna – Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not
Monica – Friends – “Check me out, I’m a slut!”
Princess Diaries – SHUT UP
Darren “What the fuck?! xD” — the kardashians have a book
The Naya dance
Will “I found a Journey song we haven’t done yet” fists, yes, yay
Heather SYTYCD crying
Heather HeMo thumbs up — Golden Globes
Sue – Outstanding
Jessalyn Hockey Mom oh no you didn’t oh snap angry
Dianna Agron tongue licks lips
Darren dancing yay new follower
Heather Hemo Brittany spinning arms in air yay possibly used for new followers
hemo heather dancing twirling finger LJ dairy entry used for: celebration
GP Holly Rachel, you suck
HeYa heather hemo naya wtf comic con look at each other 😐 girl please
Naya maxim maxium pokes out tongue
Santana Carl Naya raise hand / wave RHGS
bb Naya blow kiss
ovaries explode
Heather HeMo ew no yuck do not want flirt inter view shakes head
HeMo Heather can’t breathe
Naya oh hey wave
Santana crying in Duets after breadstix loss
Phoebe that is brand new information friends
Jayma wink epic movie bts
Emma eyeroll
Jayma epic movie ew gross yuck tongue
Dianna Agron Hey girl it’s all alright
Jayma a day in the life pout
Naya bitch be glad I walked in Girlfriends
Naya “So” Girlfriends
Pushing Daisies Ned and chuck daffodil high five
Heather wave
Cory canada et Lea prank wasn’t me / i don’t know / making a face
Cory behind the glee mattress devil horn fingers YEAHHHHHOHHHHH
Cory obviously
Quinntana car wash
Kevin bowing down
Naya it’s chirstmas

Cheater cheater compulsive eater – friends
friends – fist bang fuck you substitute for the finger

La Vie Boheme
Hey Mister, she’s my sister.
“Sisters?” “We’re close.”
^^^^ Awkward smile
Life partner? *shrug*
There will always be women in rubber flirting with me!
^^^^ Mimi’s reaction
This girl satisfies
I’m gone!
Without You – Hospital

Janet Jackson mic
“Are you singing live?” “…. *blink*”

Legend Of The Seeker
Try not to be an idiot.
Eye roll 1
Eye roll 2
Cara catching floating paper
Kahlan/Cara uhhh okaaaaay
Cara – Stare…. o.O Right.
Cara glare
Cara pushes Kahlan away from arrow
Cara pushes Kahlan away from arrow ballons
Bridget/Craig dancing
Cara – Wtf
Kahlan astonished gaping
Bridget – Oooooh! *skills hand*
Cara – Talking *waits for answer-raisies eyebrows*
Cara – Talking. *are you serious tone/facial*
Cara/Kahlan look up
Kahlan/Cara happy crying
Kahlan agiel *faint*
Cara sees Leo *shock*
Mordsith!Kahlan *slap*
Pretty Cara

Emma Wattson “WTF?…. LOLOLOLOL”
LiLo Mean Girls spit take

Hey Girlfriend

Harry Potter
Ron “WHAT!?” *spreads arms*

30 Rock
Why won’t they put me on the Jumbotron
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Ack!
Nommin on baby corn
Liz physcing herself up
Dance party
Liz eyeroll
Flu dance/crump
Liz *fist face* (like facepalm)

Jenna kissing Liz’s check love fest
“Holy…” “AHHHHHHHH!” aka Hag
Fake laughing – Hahahaha
Liz self hi five
No, YOU ____________ *points* aka Holding Up
Jack/Liz slow mo run *forehead kiss*
Liz “Jackass!” *punch*
Kathy Car
*talking into mic* Lemon out!
Liz on a plane scared
Liz strip club terrified
Liz transition sotrytelling/makeoverish
Liz trying to replace water tank
Man cheese *turns over table*
Teenage Liz “So many different types of sparrows!”
Liz “SUCK IT! *hands in the air* *high fives*
Angry Liz *exagerrated hand movements*
Liz dorky dancing (was in the GIF spam thread)
Liz/Jack threatening Ken
Liz *thumbs up*
Liz tongue scrap/clean
Liz trying to open door with plates/waitress
Liz scoffing a hotdog/stuffing it in her mouth aka Wolf
Liz as SlingBlade “I sure do like them french fried potatoes”
Lulzy Jenna dance
Jenna in elevator too much noise — blocks ears and screams
Liz serious marching — goofy/Executives
Liz points to brain (has her sources)
Liz “What?” *scrunches face* WTF

The Office
Dancing in bathroom
Pam *yawn* someone throws cheese

Dianna – Hahahahahaha. Yes. *nod*
Kill yourself!
Britt fistpump
Leave Britt alone
I actually digg this look. Yaaaay.
You got it coach *wink gun fingers*
Supposed to be sexy.. Smells like feet
Brittany sad/wtf face
Brittany standing up and clapping
HeMo smile/meh shrug

HeMo air guitar
Brittany slow clapping/smile
Brittany and mini Britt doll
HeMo comic con – smile => 😐
Britt twitching
So many lyrics
Quinn wtf look
Quinn ESOM dance
Quinn Drizzle glare
Quinn smile chin in hands
Quinn shrug
Quinn “I’m furious!”
Quinn eyeroll/whatevs
Quinn “Tighten up your pony!”
Rachel excited jumping up and down after taking chances
Rachel salute
Rachel :O => wtf
Kurt hand on heart
HeMo dancing with Ashley
Britana highfive
Kevin smugish Orly?
Heya highfive
heart attacks from loving too much
We’re really sorry Kurt
Naya “I dunno” *shrug*
Santana crying Funk
HeYa bored Comic Con
Naya Ustream wtf
Heather fistpump Naya points to Heather – Making of vogue
Naya meh shrug
Naya “Hi Britney!” *waves*
Naya [about BS] “And she was just like ‘HEYYYYYYYYY!'” XD

Heather “I’m just saying.” *shrug*
Dianna fist pump bts Mattress
HeYa photoshoot Naya leans forward to HeMo kiss on cheek
Jenna bts Funk – Nod “yes”
Show Face — Jon Matt Coy bts
tvguid hemo naya mark – Heather moving Mark’s arms dancing
Heather shrug raised eyebrows “dunno”
HeYa card interview superhero “you”
Heather backwards L wtf
Heather dramatic twirl – Brittany’s room/something else double
Heather sky splits
Heather HeMo swaying head side to side
Heather “We Owe You A Kiss” sign camera kiss
Heather “Whoop!” arms in air raise arms
Heather gangster ish hand shaking
Heather dougie dance
Heather fake crying
Heather sarcastic cry points to tear
Angry Naya Even Stevens “Stay away from me”
HeYa jumping up and down excited happy heather bullhorn
Excited heather holding Britney/Brittany photo
Heather “OMG!”
Heather smile turn around
Brittany Mattress checks skirt/ass during Smile
Hello there? close to camera HeMo Beyonce
Heather single ladies slap the butt
Artie slow clap
Jayma on George Lopez squee
Jayma laughing George Lopez
Kevin dancing, Dianna clapping – Oprah
Finchel Push It
Angry Mark photoshoot
Heather HeMo laughing clapping
Brittana Furt wedding ribbons
Brittana Furt wedding nudge
Brittana wedding dancing manip
Lea kissed Chris on cheek at signing
dianna eating chewing
Mark smile 😀 photo shoot

Selena Gomez “NO!” shaking head





Taylor Swift “AHHH!” squee

attempting to give a damn idgaf

Brittany Snow JTMD – OH MY GOD! XD (bra cam)
Brittany Snow JTMD – Red underwear wink and clap

Gretchen Weaners crying

“Hopefully” *crosses fingers*

Hey, leitenent Dan. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!11!!!!!

Stuck in plastic bag

Crying hand movements/mime


Selena Gomez thumbs up

eyebrows raise suggestive

Pushing Daisies
Ned and Olive Shock – Girth
Emerson mocking
Ned pulls out rolling pin – Olive shock
Ned and Emerson look at each other surprise/shock
Ned shakes head – like dog shaking water
Emerson – here we go – eye roll – whatever

The Pilot
Hi Will
Gum Shoe
There you go Cinderella
New Directions!
Isn’t this fun?
A glue gun that works!
Accounting is Sexy
Chaperone sign up
From the top

Hi *wave*
Emma Walks Into Will
John Travolta hands
Terri fist pump
Will “Exactly!”
All by myself
That’s Not Worth The Heartache
Emma Push It Dancing
Yay Glee!
Will bath
Will *rubs forehead*
Will “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” (To Kenra’s kids)
Gold digger
Did it fall out?!
Bringing home the bacon

Will “No…”
This is how we do it
Will *wink*
Being a Dad
Air Kiss
Emma/Terri clapping
I’m shocked you’re not married
Pour a glass of wine
I’ve been dying for you girl
To make love to me *Terri smile*
Please stop talking
Dancing Emma

Uh, Anyway..
Will *glare*
Terri scheming
Wemma football!fail
Hug 1
Hug 2

The Rhodes Not Taken
That means the baby’s not a mongoloid
Can you keep a secret?
Big long shots!
April’s file “tug o’ war”
Will *sigh*
Emma *facepalm*
Feelings For Someone Other Than Your Wife
Oh Bambi
Full Silkwood
Will *WHOOP!*
Somebody To Love
Somebody To Love *hand over heart*

Vitamin D
Mustard Wiping
Wemma shocked at Sue
Terri “Yeah.. o_O”
Someone got a little lipstick on your cup
You!.. Me?
Emma *wave*
Will “Okay?” *raises hands*
Ahh! *jazzish hands*
I said yes…
Hallway stare

RAWR Angry!Will
Will punching Sue’s sholder
Will crying
Curly hair
Terri *ahem*

Mash Up
Sun Glasses Dance
Bust A Move *knee slide*
This thing right here…
Baby, that thong th-th-th-thong
Garter Flick
ICHDAN lift/spin
Danced, danced, danced all night
Wait, what!?

We held a bake sale
Kurt, there’s a high F in it

Emma Cleaning Her Nice Private Glass Guidance Counselor Walls
Found a spider in his ear
Listen you little physico, this is Will’s wife
And don’t wear that tie…
Young teacher
Temptation, frustration
Fangirl clap
Will/Artie highfive

Sue’s magazine
Will WTF..
If you can’t take Mohammad to the mountain
I don’t understand..
Bored/Not paying attention!Will
You’re so smart
Will *hand over heart*

Emma *shakes head*
Alright! *Will fist pump*
Will *eyeroll*
Pissed!Will *clenched fists*
No.. But if… No, NO!
Will throws pregnancy pad
Terri after Will’s left 😦
What are you even talking about?!
It’s over

..Oh god…
Emma during Finn/Puck fight
Pissed!Emma eyeroll
I just left my wife
Thank you…
Guess this means you’re sorry
Will running
SSA 1.0 ❤

“Hi” “Hi”
Tooth cleaning kit
Almost kiss
Mr Schue we have a problem
Hello, Again
Couch kiss
Forehead kiss
*flick* … Sorry
Will stroking Emma’s cheek
Maybe I’ll be ready to get a little messy

The Power Of Madonna
“Aren’t you a guidance counselor?” “Ahh…”
I- I’m not saying you need to have sex
I’m planning on doing the nasty with you
So, what do you think? Not that it matters
Touched for the very first time
When you love me
Yeah you make me bold
Ohh like a virgin
They’re my favorites, did you bring them?

Run Will, run!
‘Cause when we kiss
Oh why did she go
Don’t you bring me down today

Bad Reputation
“That was particularly hurtful” “*laughs*.. *ahem*”
I’m a little confused…
You’re a slut Will
I’m through with you
These are for you
This is killing me

Rock on

Dream On
Will spit take
All these lines on my face
Dream On

Schue groovin’ to Beth

Bad smell
You dropped your trophy Sue
Tell Me Something Good – Jacket
I believe in you Finn
I thought Jews were supposed to be smart?

I miss you.. I’m seeing someone.
You two haven’t…
No, this is not about us.. I love you Emma!
I love you Emma (Slowmo)
SSA 2.0! ❤

Rocky Horror
Rocky Horror theatre Carma
Hot Patootie 1
Hot Patootie 2
Carl/Will “I thought we had a deal!”

Hand Sanitizer
C: I get that a lot E: *smile*
Probably not
C: *smile* E: *swoon*
Outrages! Yeah.. *wtf*
Carma car

Epic Movie
Kal scares Jayma
Stuck tongue
Dancing with wand
Clueless stare *clap*
Jayma slapping Adam
Earthquake-ish thing?
Snip snip snip
A talking beaver!
Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office
Elevator “Hi!”
Tripped in the mud
Your BF sucks
I’m… Glue?
Football throw
I’ll do it tonight
I’m done taking your crap
Bulgy eyes
*Fist Pump* Nice Girls Win
Can’t say it without smiling!
I have a sad!Stuart collage
Step off ho, he’s my man!
I’ll be right over here
Six Feet Under
Brick House
Help is on it’s way
Pancake maker for teh homeless
If I get something from Survivor can you forward it to me?
Dance mat
Ugly Betty
I heart New York!
Aggressive cupcake eater
If you lived here, you’d be home by now
But they appreciate that we respect their privacy
Yeah *smile and nod*
… *shakes head*
Frustrated hair flip
Bleeding head
“You fell asleep.” “No I didn’t..”
Ow… What did you do that for?
We’re not here, we’re snowboarding
Nose bleed
Rapid eye movements
Coughing blood

Imaginary Bitches
Imag hag!
Gold jacket/bra
Air kiss

Random Jessaymatt GIFs
Jayma – I’m Warm..
Jessalyn – Yes! I have one fan
Jessalyn – Ahhhh *waves*
Jaymatt – Matthew helping Jay down steps (Golden Globes)
Matty globes – Jayma clapping
Jessayma – CDGAs (ADORABLE) Sad Faces ❤
Jayma – Paleyfest
Jayma – Paul Blart Dancing Extra
Jayma – Laughing
Jayma – Bet that baby’s worth a lot of money now
Jayma – (Mark’s tribute) *wave*
Jaymatt – BTS Kiss *laugh*
Jayma – (A Day In The Life) Where I make my money *slap*
Jayma – (Paley) *shakes head* I’ve got my eye on him.
Jayma – Glee audition
Jayma – FOX photoshoot (insane blouse)
Jayma – (Paley) Yeah.. Girl Power!
Jaymatt – (BTS Kiss) *high five*
Jayma – (Emma photoshoot) *bites finger*
Jayma – (A Day In The Life) *Smiles at the camera*
Jessalyn – (SAGs) boobs
Jayanna Globes acceptance speech
Wemma kisses
Jessayma – We’re having a wonderful time in NY!
Jayma – “L”
Jessalyn – Waving
Jessayma – Kevin with background JJ
Jayma – Removing her chewing gum
Jessayma – GGlobes
Jessayma – Globes Glee Girls
Jayma – They ask me to clean their face?!
Jessayma – *no*.. I love her, I love her!
Jessayma – Globes dresses
Jayma – Mic!thief
Jayma – Step off!
Jayma – Little matching berets
Jessalyn – You guys are shooting something?
Jessayma – Pointing
Jessalyn – Whispering
Jessalyn – Offering food
Matthew – Offering food
Jayma – I’ve decided that I only want human seats
Matthew – Whuuuuuuuuut
Jessaymatt – “Jessalyn” “HI!”
Jessalyn – *le gasp* :O *clap*
Jaymatt – BTS Kiss peanut M&Ms
Jessalyn – (Ausiello interview) “She’s never gonna be Emma.” -eyeroll-
Jessayma – Slushie 1
Jessayma – Slushie 2
PROMO – Hey Home wrecker!
Jayma – (about Stamos) Blushing *points to cheeks*
Jayma – Dunkin’ Donuts waving
Puma Paley Lean
Jayma – That’s terrifying!

Charlie McDonnell thumbs up
Charlie McDonnell ha ha fake laughing fuck you pulls finger

welcome santa spongebob chimney
sponegbob sliding up to squidward smiling
U MAD troll rage guy fuuu gif

AVPS broom dance draco slytherin
Did somebody say Draco Malfoy?
Hermione can’t draw dance
Draco totally awesome
ROFLD ROFLLL Draco roll on floor
sad Draco collapse fall to ground depressed
draco quiditch dance dancing yay
Lauren Lopez Potions Master’s Corner – smile shrug — flattered
^ Lauren “is that out of your budget?” I see what you did there raise eyebrows smirk
Lauren Lopez dances gifs
excited Draco daddy you came to love me avps
Draco/Hermione hug
Draco go home terrorist whistle wasn’t me shrug
Lauren Lopez raise eyebrow — Tonya
Draco – how dare you
Harry Darren “I’m in a rage!”
Harry and Ron RED VINES hug
Harry Ron hug — Draco feels left out
tired Lauren Draco why can’t be just be death eaters
Hermione Ron kiss — Ron: Woah!
Hermione Ron tongue kiss
Joey “What the fuck”
Lauren, Draco – “You are not permitted to touch!”
Draco puts arm around Hermione — fake yawn — making a move
Granger Danger dancing Hermione/Bonnie
Darren happy, excited, spazzing, coke, coca cola
Joey wink
Ron Draco “and two” fuck you, pulls the finger

young Lea “bitch bitch bitch!”

James Van Der Memes (Dawson’s Creek, Dawson Leery)
LiLo eyeroll upset fed up
Stud wink
Baby face pout
nostalgic nostalgia
Eyebrow string dance
Mild sadness sigh
super sad sobbing crying
10 year anniversary crying edition now past
Nausea puke barf gross yuck ew throw up
Fuck you finger
eager beaver thumbs up 😀
Na Na Boo Boo sore loser poke tongue out stick tongue out
In the club alt: hide yo’ kids — skills hands gangsta gangster
Dramatic Dawson — meercat
Yikes! — oh no! panic! Ahhhhh
Happy to sad — hand thing
Oh no you didn’t! Oh snap , guuurl
Double take — rubs eyes, did I really just see that!?
Sheer panic — scared shocked terrified
surprised — gasp gape

Part 2
You blew it — ugh, annoyed, wtf
Katie Holmes smile – sweet, innocent
Van Der Pire — angry, growl, hiss, do not want, arg
Kiss Ass — kiss up, suck up
Cabbage patch — dance, yay
That was a good one — haha, clever, I see what you did there
CSI: JVB — what was that
D’oh — face palm, arg
Call me
Eww gross! — yuck, blarg
Loser — L
NO PICTURES – No, do not want, go away
Home alone – gasp, shock, omg
Goat face – idk what to tag this one…
Nerdy Dawson – dork, nerd, glasses, creeper
Dozing off – tired, bored, almost alseep
Eyebrow string: the sequel – scissors
Body wave – dance, party, yay, haters gonna hate, fuck yes
Disco dancing – dance, party, yay
Deal with it
Spit take – wtf, omg,
Check please
Bring it on – come at me bro
It’s time – tick tock, impatient watch
Hmmmm – thinking
Slow clap – unamused
J time
Steppin’ – angry almost I dunno
You have a bologer
I’m on the phone – no wait don’t talk to me

– GLee Funny or die
heya gangsta hands
dancing heya yay new follower
I pray for Naya Rivera as my D O double G

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